My new year’s resolution is to graduate high school and to figure out what class i would like to take in university. I would also like to find a new job. I plan to keep my new years resolution by staying determined and focused on my goals. – Aubrie Grasby
My new year’s resolution is to finish high school so I can start my university class. I would also like to go to the gym more often. I plan to keep my resolution by controlling how much i go out. – Kiera (see photo above)
No i did not make a resolution. LoL – Jessica
Yes , my new year’s resolution is to not spend any more money on video games. I will keep this resolution because i am broke – Alicia
My new year’s resolution is to shower more , brush my teeth more and work more. How i plan on doing this is by making them my priority and stop procrastinating and actually do them. – Gage
My new year’s resolution is to attend more open mic nights and to get better at stand up comedy. I plan to keep this by making more time to go to open mic nights and to practice my jokes more.
- Brayden