What Is your New Year’s Resolution? Do you plan to keep it? How? by Aubrie Grasby

My new year’s resolution is to graduate high school and to figure out what class i would like to take in university. I would also like to find a new job. I plan to keep my new years resolution by staying determined and focused on my goals. – Aubrie Grasby

My new year’s resolution is to finish high school so I can start my university class. I would also like to go to the gym more often. I plan to keep my resolution by controlling how much i go out. – Kiera (see photo above)


No i did not make a resolution. LoL – Jessica


Yes , my new year’s resolution is to not spend any more money on video games. I will keep this resolution because i am broke – Alicia


My new year’s resolution is to shower more , brush my teeth more and work more. How i plan on doing this is by making them my priority and stop procrastinating and actually do them. – Gage


My new year’s resolution is to attend more open mic nights and to get better at stand up comedy. I plan to keep this by making more time to go to open mic nights and to practice my jokes more.

  • Brayden


What do you want from 2018?

Word of the Street March 2018  

story & photography by Kiyari McNab

Kiyari McNab is 17 years old and started attending school and programming at CNYC this past September. She is passionate about art and expressing herself creatively through painting, poetry and photography. She is dedicated to her academic goals and is a wonderful student at CNYC. The WOTS program has allowed her to evolve as a writer, photographer and gain editing experience.

Britteny, age 16

Question- what do you want out of 2018, from school and relationships?

Answer-Hi my name is Britteny and I’m 16 years old and what I want out of relationships is for people to get along and work through differences, for school I want the teachers to understand what the students go through in their personal life, out of school.

Aaron, age 15

Question – what do you want out of 2018, from school and relationships?

Answer- Hi my name is Aaron and I’m 15 years old, As for school I’m hoping to finish my grade 10 cause I wasn’t able to finish grade 9 properly, I want to get my work done and prove to others that I can do more then what I’m proven for. Out of relationships, along my significant other I’m hoping to make it last longer then the way it’s things have been going.

Shay, age 15

Question- what do you want out of 2018, from school and relationships?

Answer- Hi my name is Shay, I’m 15 years old and this year I want to finish my grade 10. Out of relationships, me, my mom have a good relationship and I want to keep it that way.

Terri- Lynn, age 16

Question- what do you want out of 2018, from school and relationships?

Answer- Hi my name is Terri-Lynn but I like to be called Terri, I’m 16 years old, I hope to make friends and school I’d like to finish my grade 10 and be better at finishing my homework/ in class work.

Ben, Age 19

Question- what do you want out of 2018, from school and relationships?

Answer- Hi my name is Ben, I’m 19 years old, and for 2018 I’d like to really work on myself, mentally and physically, also deal with my addictions, keeping myself busy, focusing on myself and being alone, and learning how to cope with that. I plan on being single for a while because I was in and out of relationships for a very long time.

Elisha, age 18

Question- what do you want out of 2018, from school and relationships/love?

Answer- Hi my name is Elisha, I’m 18 years old, out of love? I think the term sounds overrated, I think it’s better to love yourself then to love anyone else and anywhere else, Out of 2018 I just want love myself, and make some new friends to create any kind of relationships with them