My Summer at CNYC – Nina Salles

My time as a summer student at CNYC was a blast. It was just Marcel, Ace, Amanda, and I for the first week or so; I got to learn about their roles and how they work with youth. I also got used to their crazy sense of humour. The fun started as soon as the youth began showing up to the programming. It never felt like any of us staff were above the youth. We were all on the same level, learning something new and having fun together.

Marcel, Ace, and Amanda are excellent at encouraging the youth to try out all the activities. They make them feel welcome and safe with their sense of humour. They make everything light. I can’t think of better people to be around youth. The environment created was fun, and it always felt like we were just a group of friends.

My life was filled with dance and school before CNYC, and I never had many chances to try new activities. I was able to try things through the summer programming that I would not have had the chance to try otherwise. I can be an anxious person when it comes to trying new things, but I never felt scared or judged at CNYC. I know the youth felt the same.

The only thing I wish there was more of, were youth. Only a few youths regularly came. I hope that next summer a larger group will regularly come to the programming. There were so many great opportunities for fun and learning, and I hope that more youth will be able to take part in them.